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Colour Resonance: Purple

Experience A Sweet Transition From The Waking State To Sleep Bliss.

This is the intention for our Deep Peace Synergy, inspired by an old Celtic prayer for a loved one. Use it to make the most of your sundown to sunrise transition with this very special alchemy of essential oils that work synergistically to swoon you into a relaxed and peaceful state of being.

By releasing the mental chatter and supporting the rhythm of the breath, this bioenergetic essential oil synergy can help you more easily surrender into the mystery. Emerge renewed and ready to embrace the wondrous potential of a brand new day.

Deep Peace Essential Oil Synergy

Only 2 left in stock
  •  Promotes a sense of deep relaxation, calming the mind and body to release the need to control what you cannot.
    • Freshen stagnant energy to promote energy renewal, positivity and joy.
    • Soothes worries, headaches, nervousness and stress to encourage complete relaxation.

    Lavender - Potent sedative helpful in easing insomnia and calming the mind. Aligns and balances Chakras.

    Cedarwood - Reduces tension, stress, fear and nervousness.

    Rosalina - Soothes worries, calms headaches and irregular heartbeats. Grounds and relaxes the mind.

    Ylang Ylang -Reduces nervousness, exhaustion, and anxiety by uplifting mood and includes feelings of joy and hope.

    Australian Sandalwood - Provides inner protection and strengthening. Ideal for meditation and promoting a sense of inner peace.

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At The Skin Spa and Shop, we believe that beautiful, healthy skin begins with a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. Our mission is to provide our clients with pure natural skincare products that will help them achieve sustainable results. We strive to create a connection between our clients and the natural world, and to give back to our community.

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